King Edward Mine Museum
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Cornish Mining World Heritage

Essential Information

Essential Information for Schools

All you need to know about planning an educational visit.

When can we visit the museum?

The museum is open for school visits on Thursdays and Fridays from Easter to October half-term.

How long is a standard school visit?

A minimum of three hours is recommended, with a typical school visit lasting 10am-2.00pm. All visits can be tailored to your own specific travel times and the needs of your school day. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding visit times.

What do we need to bring?

Suitable footwear (not open-toed, but with decent grip), wet weather clothing (whatever the weather at home!), packed lunch (unless you are getting food from the café!). There are first aid kits situated across site. 

What learning resources are there to support a visit?

Each pupil is provided with a booklet to support their learning during the visit. This will provide structure for their stem activities and stimulating questions for their tour of the mill and museum. We provide each pupil with a clip board and pencil to aid their recording of data. Our Learning Team is here to help your planning and will draft a timetable for your visit to make the best use of your visit.

Can I come onsite first for a risk assessment?

Yes, we offer free site admission for any teacher or group leader prior to bringing their group to prepare a risk assessment or carry out research for their visit. A general site risk assessment is sent with each booking confirmation.

What age groups are catered for?

Targeted primarily at primary schools a visit to King Edward Mine Museum offers activities differentiated to the needs of pupils in keys stage 1 or Key Stage 2. Activities can also be arranged for older students and lifelong learners. To discuss further please contact me at

What happens on a typical site visit?

All school groups have an opportunity to tour the working mill and museum. Depending on the age of the pupils we offer a range of activities which may include STEM experiments, identification of rocks and minerals, a tour of the museum grounds or even panning for “gold”.

How do I know what to do onsite?

As a group leader you can pre-visit the site for free; browse this website; talk with a member of KEMM’s Learning Team. Once booking is confirmed, a bespoke timetable of activities for your visit will be produced for you to fit your requirements.

Will we be guided by King Edward Mine Museum Staff?

Yes, each pre-booked tour of the museum and mill is guided by an experienced museum volunteer, with the workshops and other activities led by an experienced teacher. School staff are responsible for their students at all times whilst onsite.

Do we have to follow your suggested timetable/ do a workshop?

Not necessarily. If your students are between school year 3 and school year 6 then we would recommend you choose a primary school workshop to get the most out of your visit onsite, with tailored activities and dedicated staff time. However, every group’s needs are different, so please discuss your specific details with KEMM’s Learning Team beforehand and we will endeavour to help wherever possible, even if you wish to explore the site without a guide.

How many students can I bring?

For school visits to the museum and workshops, we recommend one class (up to 30 students) is practical, as for most activities we split into two groups of up to 15 each. 

Is there wheelchair access?

The Processing Mill, museum and survey office are all wheelchair accessible. Please note also that parts of the site are situated on a steep incline. KEMM staff endeavour to be as accommodating as possible for any visitor’s access needs and can suggest alternatives.

Is it safe?

The site buildings and surroundings are checked prior to a school visit by KEMM staff for safety. A general site risk assessment is sent with each booking confirmation. Safety goggles are provided when necessary. Groups are guided whilst onsite by trained staff. The museum section requires no climbing (apart from the use of stairs) or crawling and is routinely experienced by hundreds of visitors each year of all ages.

Is there an opportunity for me to give feedback about the visit?

Yes, an evaluation form is sent to the group leader with every invoice following a visit or can be downloaded here and sent to KEMM via email or post. KEMM’s Learning Team values your constructive feedback about learning at KEMM and your visiting experience, as it informs our future practice, so please contact John Polglase at

Is there coach parking?

Yes, in addition to the main car park there is a separate coach park, both are free.

Contact us

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Education groups to King Edward Mine Museum enjoy a discounted admission; in addition, supervising adults/group leaders have free admission.


For educational groups of 10 or more children, the cost is £4.50 per child.

Accompanying adults go free of charge. The cost includes a group discount, a free pre-visit for the teacher to allow planning and use of a lunchroom.

Adult to Child Ratios

Foundation/Early Years
Reception Class 1 adult: 3 students
KS1: Years 1-2 students 1 adult: 6
KS2: Years 3-6 students 1 adult: 8
KS3: Years 7+ students 1 adult: 10

Feedback Forms

Please complete Teacher Feedback form that can be downloaded below

Teacher Feedback Form

Below is a Pupil Feedback form that can be completed

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